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Parameter:  SolarPanel.Voltage.OpenCircuitVoltageAtTmin


Data type SolarPanel.OpenCircuitVoltageAtTmin
Description The open-circuit voltage at the minimum operating temperature.
Primitive type Real
Dimension Voltage
Notes Derived from the Nominal Operating Cell Temperature, the Temperature Coefficient of Voltage, and the Open-Circuit Voltage at STC.

VOC = Open-Circuit voltage at STC
NOTC = Nominal Operating Cell Temp
TcoeffV = Temperature Coefficient of VOC (divide percentage by 100)
Tmin = minimum operating temp (usually -40C)

OpenCircuitVoltageAtTmin = (((NOTC - Tmin) * TcoeffV) + 1) * Voc

Units of Measure

Unit Name Unit Symbol Description Notes
Picovolts pV
Nanovolts nV
Microvolts µV
Millivolts mV
Decibel Microvolts dBµV
Volts V
Kilovolts KV
Megavolts MV
Gigavolts GV
Teravolts TV